He is risen! He is risen indeed Hallelujah! The ancient cry still rings out today in places of worship around the world as it has for thousands of years! It is every bit as true and significant now as it was then. Christ IS risen. Not Christ was risen and went away. Christ IS risen and is present in the lives of all believers around the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Join me as together we remember the amazing story of the empty tomb as told by St. John. When Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where Jesus was laid on that first Easter morning, a Sunday, the third day after Jesus died on the cross, she went with a heavy heart believing that her Lord was dead. She assumed that someone had removed the body of Jesus and ran to tell Peter and John. They ran to the tomb and found the stone rolled away and Jesus’ body gone. The grave clothes He was wrapped in remained.
We are told that John saw and believed. Come along with me as we stand gazing into the empty tomb of our resurrected Lord. This event that happened over two thousand years ago has implications for our lives today. Jesus has conquered the grave! Death, where is your sting? Grave where is your victory? They have been swallowed up in the resurrection of Jesus Christ! He IS risen! He IS risen indeed, Hallelujah!