Pumpkin Spice and Oatmeal
October means Fall. Cool weather, sweaters and cozy candlelight, Halloween (which is my Brooklyn’s birthday). Or in the church, Reformation Day. There is a Fall Festival coming up Saturday, November 12th headed up by Pauline. Please get in contact with her to find out how you can help. Also, in October our Congregational Meeting is happening Sunday, October 9th and the following week is the Church Picnic on Sunday, October 16th at Ski Beach. So there are tons of events happening in our church.
Youth Sunday was amazing; I’m so proud of all of our kids who participated. What a great Sunday! There were tacos provided by Maranatha Church, cake and fellowship. Taylor from first service is about to have her first child and it was delightful to hear her excitement. The Preschool is getting cleaned out and prepared to go to market.
And I would like to thank everyone for their prayers; I feel them. I was talking to Ron Blake, the director at my Preschool, and we got on the subject of Prayer. God answers prayers in his own time and though you pray for one thing you might not get what you want but you get what you need. So please pray for our Council and Elders and our leadership as we have positions we need to fill: Trustee, Financial Secretary, President and President Elect. It is a commitment but what you receive in return is immeasurable. I have left meetings so uplifted and happy. I have gone in tired, grumpy from my busy day of working and being a Mom and then leave with so much gratefulness in my heart for all of you that make up my church family. All the parts we play to make Our Redeemer Euclid such a great place to worship. If you don’t know what each position entails please ask. It is a learning process and so worth it! Thank you everyone for all you do you make our church the special place it is. And I am beyond humbled to serve as your President.
Love your Servant in the Lord, Jade Clark