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You would never think that just 10 months ago that the man in the photo above would have been a guest at We See You San Diego’s weekly dinner party. Dirt mixed with tears rolled down his face during his first conversation with We See You’s Recovery Coordinator. “I thought my fate was sealed. I was homeless, addicted to fentanyl, and I was convinced it was going to kill me.” That Tuesday night in October 2023, Connor accepted the invitation to trust We See You’s Team to guide him off the streets and through recovery.

He bravely completed a 10-day in-patient medical fentanyl detox, graduated from a phenomenal residential Recovery Program where he began working, healing, and waking up before sunrise each day to spend time seeking to understand his new position as a son in the family of God. Connor made the decision on April 27th to get baptized, sharing that every day he wakes up in a posture of surrender.

Today, Connor has a full time job at a restaurant and was recently promoted as the Head Chef!  He is completely self-supporting with no government assistance, paying rent at a sober living house. Connor serves as part of We See You’s Team and continues to be a brother and mentor to the men in the program from which he graduated. Connor has been reconciled with his family and was honored by his father at his graduation in June. What we see in Connor today is JOY, PEACE, AND A HEART THAT LOVES FREELY. Connor, we could not love you more and it is our privilege to have you as part of the family!