Our lesson for today takes place on the evening of the day Jesus was raised from the dead. The setting is the upper room with the doors locked because the disciples were afraid. Earlier in the day, Jesus had walked on a road from Jerusalem to Emmaus with two disciples. They were somehow kept from recognizing Jesus as they walked. They were very disappointed that Jesus had been crucified. As they walked, Jesus opened their hearts to how the Scriptures pointed to the death and resurrection of the Christ. They invited Jesus to join them for supper. When they broke the bread, Jesus was recognized.
What follows is the account from St. Luke how Jesus appeared to the disciples and commissions them to be His witnesses. Jesus tells them to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit clothes them with power. Jesus then ascends into Heaven and sits at the right hand of God. God’s right hand is where the power is. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to strengthen His disciples to be His witnesses.
We are called to witness to a world lost in despair and hopelessness. Our witness is a breath of fresh air. It is a word of hope and comfort because Jesus is alive! Join me as we find comfort and hope in the living, resurrected and ascended Jesus!