Text Luke 15:11-32
The forgiving Father
I love Luke chapter 15. It is about three things that are lost, three things that are found, and three parties that celebrate the return of what was lost. We look at the parable of the prodigal son today. Really it should be called the forgiving Father.
God is represented by the father in this story. He never withholds his blessing and never stops considering the son he loves. But the father cannot compel the son to stay home. He cannot force his love on his son. He has to let him go even though he knows the pain it will cause both of them. It is the love of the father that allows him to find his own life even if it means risking losing it.
God has endowed us with this wonderful and risky thing called free will. He wants us to freely love Him and not program us like a computer to love Him. This story reminds us that God is merciful, abounding in grace and all of heaven celebrates when one sinner repents.
~ Pastor Dave Weber